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23 Ways to Build Your Reputation Like a Boss (Pt. 1)


23 Ways to Build Your Reputation Like a Boss (Pt. 1) 

Your reputation is your biggest asset in the world bar none. Here’s how I keep tabs on my own “reputation rating” and some helpful tips you can implement to up your reputation to a 5-star monopoly that attracts success, love, the lottery, magical Hogwarts powers, Trading Places overnight success… you get the idea.

1. If someone criticizes you, listen carefully. Chances are, the person who said it isn’t the only one who thinks it. Know, then, that in certain circles you have a reputation for being difficult, a slacker or a micromanager, and if you don’t like those labels associated with a brand called [insert your name here], then avoid behaviors that can lead people to believe them. The fact is if you have enemies and you can stomach it, listen to what they say about you.

2. Listen to every single word of your performance evaluation. What you hear and read in your review is what your boss says about you. Correct problem areas and repeat behaviors that receive praise. Uh. Duh.

3. Ask a trusted friend. But realize that the way she sees you is most likely not representative of your general reputation; your friend will be partial, and quite possibly, not entirely honest.

4. Get a reliable spy. The boss’s secretary, someone in HR, people in the PR department or an exec in the company who is NOT your boss are all in a good position to tell you what others are saying about you. Don’t worry, you don’t have to ask; they’ll tell you during the course of a normal conversation. It’s a good idea to be very nice to all of these folks, because they are also all in a position to wreak havoc on your reputation if you rub them the wrong way.

5. Tap reputation builders: what you want In your wallet. I realize that people would form an impression of me in all of three seconds and repeat them to the universe, I decided to create a Gold Card list that would keep me highly conscious of building a solid reputation based on a number of positive qualities I want people to be able to say about me. Ultimately, only you know who you are and the image that you want portrayed, but here are some of the items from my Gold Card lists that I have found are the most powerful, efficient builders of kick ass Platinum Professional Reputation. And, honey, whoever builds up enough credit to secure a Platinum Reputation — Diane Sawyer and Michelle Obama come to mind — gets career carte blanche. 

6. Be consistent. Dependable consistency of mood, dress, performance and respect for colleagues makes others comfortable and builds great reputations. Dress well and create a look that fits in with your corporate culture; don’t be changing your exterior image every 48 seconds — trust me, they won’t think you “spontaneous” but rather moody, flakey and indecisive. Consistently do solid work. Be consistent in your respect for everybody. Don’t flatter your boss and turn around and berate your colleagues, lest you get a reputation for being a big fat ass-kisser. The key to consistency is knowing what your priorities are and sticking to them.

7. Stay In control. Get a grip on yourself. Never seem “overwhelmed” by the amount of things you have to do. Just do them. Don’t broadcast your thoughts that maybe you can’t get something done — which is a common way some girls “bond” with each other by commiserating. Have energy, but retain control of it. No manic giggling or public hysteria, please.

Part 2 will be live next week so check back Monday, March 7th.

Whatever you do, be aware of overcompensating in yourself — trying too hard to prove you are smart, prove you are dedicated, prove you are the hardest most loyal worker since Lassie could have people labeling you as insecure and/or trying to make everyone else look bad. Check yourself: If you feel you have something to prove, chances are you are trying way too hard. Lighten up, my friends. It’s just a job. Now go forth and build your reputation! 

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