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Know When to Apologize at Work


Taking responsibility for your personal and professional actions inspires trust. Even though it’s painful, accepting blame for your missteps is actually an incredible power move. It’s honest; it’s confident; it’s collaborative. Pointing fingers everywhere but at yourself is simply defensive and deceitful and always comes back to haunt. That being said, don’t go around assuming responsibility or proclaiming mea culpa for bad things that have nothing to do with you. It erodes your power and reputation and makes you appear insecure.  

Make the Most of Mistakes

Your superiors notice the nuances of your efforts and behavior, even if you don’t think so. Many work errors are due to a lack of effective communication and/or coordination. The larger the project, the more people involved, and the greater the number of work styles to manage. Collaborate effectively through clarity, understanding, and pragmatism. Being responsible means more than apologizing when things go wrong; it means bringing people together to get things done. Be the person who fosters teamwork and you’ll find a few occasions to take the blame.

Cultivate Strength

Of course, life isn’t perfect, and there will be problems from time to time. Hold yourself accountable for your errors. It takes courage and strength to own up. We all make mistakes and it’s how you recover that helps define you as a professional. Whether it’s you, a member of your team, or a counterparty who has fumbled the ball, come to grips with the problem, clear the air, and work on what’s next. Don’t dwell. Pivot. Regroup. Rally the troops. Remain positive and you’ll get positive results while fostering positive relationships. 

Be Responsible

Be responsible for admitting your mistakes. Be responsible for helping others move past theirs. Leadership isn’t about assuming fault for what goes wrong; it’s about accomplishing things collaboratively. Become a leader by inspiring others to do the same.

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