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Storytelling: How to Make Your Career Soar

What’s your story? Are you able to tell someone about your career, accomplishments, and goals quickly and compellingly? You may ask what, exactly, this has to do with business. EVERYTHING. I’ve interviewed hundreds of people – and, more often than not, they begin describing themselves by listing positive attributes and end with their flaws. Of course, we all have both, but how people express themselves, in words, tone, and non-verbal cues makes a real difference in believing what they’re saying. Are they being honest? Do they take and share credit? Do they blame others for their setbacks, or pointing fingers everywhere except to themselves? 

Stories hold the power to connect, communicate, and intrigue. How people react to a story depends on what it says and how it’s told. To effectively promote yourself, you need to accurately and concisely convey who you are, while fostering the right response. And, believe it or not, there’s a recipe. Yup, there’s a recipe for storytelling.  Through personalized, interactive training, Sider Road teaches professionals how to tell a killer story about themselves, and inspire the right emotions and questions from listeners. Want to know what to say and how to say it? Click here to sign up for Sider Road’s master class, “Tell Me About Yourself.”

When crafting your 30-second story, communicating who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and where you’re headed is a delicate balance of what you say and the tone and inflection in your voice. There’s a difference between simply being heard and being listened to. Your story shapes your reputation and can help your career soar. Practice and perfect it.

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