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Stay The Course: Anthony Bourdain And Kate Spade

When my godfather, Stuart, writes me, he signs it “Stay the Course”.

Those three words are comforting. We all experience ill content and a lack of confidence now and then. For some, it’s more than now and then; that’s me  Over the last few years, I see his words flash in my mind when moments of tragedy are raw  Responsibility right and left with children, aging mothers and pets, money concerns or is one is grappling with the truth of living the authentic life or not.

Staying the course are three words which can be your best friends, intimate soul mate and cheerleader.

The shocking deaths of two people I respect professionally and personally couldn’t escape their inner demons; Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade.  It was part of their DNA.  Internal voices couldn’t be stopped. All of us could have told them they were loved, mattered and were respected. To them, it didn’t matter; they yearned for simple peace. Simple peace.

I urge you to stay the course and find the positive in your life and truly know, you are not alone. Finding peace for them was staying the course. It was simply what was next. Reach out to anyone who you think will simply…listen. Ask for a professional medical person who you can speak to; they are trained to help, care and solve.

Picture me bowing in silence to them with my two hands clasped together in honor of their contributions to our global community. Each extraordinarily talented.

You, too, make a difference. To another person, to your colleague, to your neighbor, your parents, a partner… your children.

Have a great weekend and celebrate today. Yesterday is over and tomorrow celebrates fresh light.

Jocelyn and Team

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