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Making Others Happy Gets You Nowhere

No matter how hard you try or want to, you’ll never be able to please everyone. That’s life. Don’t let it define you and your capabilities. No matter how thoughtful or measured you are while making decisions, whether in your professional or personal life, you cannot put others’ expectations, needs, or desires ahead of your own. The desire to please those around us often holds us back.
Don’t get me wrong, this is much easier said than done. Don’t let that discourage you. To move ahead means to evolve and, often, redefine ourselves and how others perceive us. It’s a messy and, sometimes, uncomfortable process. But you are doomed to fail if you keep to the status quo, and opt not to move forward. Decide not to run in place; strive to take chances and write a rewarding professional story. Challenge yourself when others urge you to be safe. Take chances; don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back. Bounce back from mistakes. Follow your truth, but always respect the choices and concerns of those around you. Yes, your decisions and actions may not always be successful, but you made the effort and that’s what really counts.
Put yourself first. Embrace new experiences, reflect upon new perspectives, move out of your comfort zone, learn a new skill or language, geez… try that food you loathed as a child. The more you learn, the more relevant you become, and the more you’ll have to contribute. Do you strive to be a person you admire? Do you want to be the person your dog thinks you are? Take the time to work at it, regardless if it works for others. Opportunity abounds, but they often do not wait.


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