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If You Look Down, That’s Where You Are Going To Go

How many times do you look down in a day? Think about it.

Although it’s an easy way to avoid falling, it’s not necessary if you know where you’re headed. Let’s say you do fall along the way. So what? Most likely, you won’t make that mis-step again. We gain knowledge through experience. Failure often leads to progress.

Yes, progress can be painful as we navigate the twists and turns in our path. We benefit from our relationships with all sorts of people as we make our way through the forest.

And, that forest is continually changing, my friends. Every day, it becomes more complex and diverse. Moving ahead means embracing change, acknowledging differences, and learning from past mistakes. When we do it together and accept varying points of view, everyone succeeds. Don’t look down. Keep your head up and move forward.

Complexity and diversity. We see it in our circles of bosses, colleagues and acquaintances. It’s the way of the world. Did you know in the U.S. today, minorities are the majority in five states: California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas? In addition, minority children are the majority in 10 states! Don’t look down. Keep your head up and move forward.

Finding common ground with people, not like you, is a key, and is often ignored to a path of many successes. Understanding cultural, religious, and community differences expands our personal knowledge while lifting up others. We’re all more alike than different.  Our natural biases can get in the way. False assumptions, stereotypes and subtle slights are destructive for you and everyone around you.

If you look down, that’s where you’re going to go.

Embracing diversity leads to progress, safety, and innovation in the workplace and beyond. Advertisers readily acknowledge cultural, and social differences among consumers. Just look at the opening number at this year’s Grammys—it was in Spanish.

Sider Road has released several typical American business phrases on video spoken by native speakers in multiple languages including Spanish, Urdu, Dutch, French …..  with more to come. It’s What You Need To Know and Why.
If you look forward, that’s where you’re going to go.

Si miras hacia adelante, es a donde vas a llegar.

اگر آپ آگے نظر آتے ہیں، تو آپ کہاں جائیں گے.
Si vous regardez vers l’avenir, c’est là que vous irez.

Wenn Sie nach vorne schauen, gehen Sie dorthin.

Yesterday is over and tomorrow celebrates fresh light.


Jocelyn and Team

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