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How To Use Doorframe Management To Become A Member Of The Inner Circle

How to Use Doorframe Management to Become a Member of the Inner Circle

Ever heard of this phrase before? Keep it in the back of your mind at all times.

It’s a strategic notion to conceive and build relationships, then leverage those relationships into creating opportunities for yourself.

Picture yourself standing in a colleague’s or senior executive’s office doorway to “drop by” and catchup. Usually, I start with a “do you have a minute?”… and then stay two to three minutes and then I’m outta there.

The point is to connect quickly and with authenticity and then move along. Here are some basic rules:

  1. You must be present in the conversation. No showing up with 10,000 things on your mind and think this is a to-do list activity. Your emails, calls and project dramas are put aside and you are all-in for 120-180 seconds.
  2. No interrupting the other person. If they start to speak, shut up and listen. Interrupter’s are annoying.
  3. Share something of interest or funny. Period. The “of interest” is something THEY would be interested not you. That means you need to pick up on their life’s interest. Hint: Look around the room, at their pictures or perhaps you aware of an outside interest they have.
  4. Don’t overstay your welcome. Staying a short time and leaving them on a positive note is key.
  5. Most importantly, remember the conversation (even if you have to go back and write down some pertinent notes) as it is a building block for the next time you see that person.

Ultimately, you are creating goodwill and eventually, people will stop by your space and start sharing. Sharing = relationships. Relationships = trust. Trust = positive reputation. Positive Reputation = Respect and more $$. Yes, this is a type of networking but just an easier approach.

I’ve got your back.

Jocelyn and Team

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