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Brian Williams + NBC’s Reputation

Boy, oh boy did Brian Williams get himself into a jam. As a journalist, I’m wondering why he would risk his entire career on a lie as big as that one and not think that someday someone would call him on it?  The stupidity of his actions is incredible.

For years, I have watched him from screens across this nation always thinking he was truthful and offered up an unbiased perspective.  I honestly liked him.  I respected him.

Brian, why oh why? There were seasoned military pros surrounding him – reporting, cataloguing, watching, listening and talking. TV talk shows which broadcast their tired shows over and over; challenging his story was never a problem, if only someone would listen to the whistleblower and then double-check the video. His reputation and career are now seemingly crushed.

As I have often lectured about reputation, it’s the most critical area to manage, as we all live our lives professionally and personally. It’s our epitaph. It follows you wherever you go and means much more than where you went to college or graduate school, or even whom you marry. I admire people who others refer to as a “good guy”, “generous woman” or “kind person”.

The issue is, as a public person in a position of authority, power, and trust, one is held to a higher standard. Brain Williams has apologized and we should accept his apology. I doubt he will EVER bullshit again. He’s lost his credibility, soon his job, and most importantly the respect of his family and fans.  It’s a matter of time before they find the next lie.

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