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5 Ways To Unstick When You’re Stuck!

Recently, I had a client who was stuck. Let’s call him Wallow in the Middle. He hasn’t been promoted in five years. He hasn’t been demoted. He is earning his salary but sees nothing on the horizon of learning something new or a promotion. It’s the same old same old.

If you’re like Wallow in the Middle, what other tricks can you do to become unstuck? Here are a few tips:

1. Admit you’re floundering. Say it out loud. Trust me, it will feel like a load has been taken off your back and you are 10 pounds lighter.

2. Don’t panic! It’s ok to wallow. Most of us have been there. If you want to make a change, you will. Panicking isn’t going to help. Let go of the guilt and negative self-talk. Turn the conversation in your head to…I am going to turn this into a positive soon.

3. Find interests outside of work. Find something healthy to do outside of your home and work life. Have you always wanted to learn Spanish? Master yoga? Join a charity? Doing something new takes the pressure off of you having to focus on things not being in the right place. Plus, it offers the opportunity for you to expand your mind approach new people wth a fresh message about yourself. You are your best PR person. Get a new Tell Me About Yourself story going.

4. Grab a pen. Yes, a pen. Write it down. Make a list of the areas you think you’re floundering in. Is it your relationships with your colleagues? Does your relationship with your boss suck? What has been the feedback you have been given throughout the years? If you don’t know, find a mentor or peer that you trust and ask them about your reputation. Most likely, you’re not getting where you want to be because your reputation is not as positive as it should be.

5. Rectify your reputation. Work on fixing the relationships that are lacking. Show your colleagues and bosses that you are competent and capable! Find a coach who is being paid to HELP you move forward. Or message me to schedule a consult and see if we’re a good fit.

So what happened to Wallow in the Middle? We talked and practiced his new story about himself, addressed the reputation concerns and he started exercising regularly. The needle moved for him and asked his boss for a promotion. Practice, patience and consistency are the key.

And as luck would have it, that means I have some time open in my schedule to help you. So let’s chat. Who wants to stay stuck in the middle, when dusting of your personal brand, and climbing the corporate ladder is so much more fun?


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